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MoFi Mobile Fidelity SUPER DEEP Cleaner

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16 oz Bottle

Mobile Fidelity Super Deep Cleaner is made to clean very soiled LPs and is also recommended as a pre-cleaner for extra dirty records. Super Deep Cleaner can be used for removing pressing debris and 'mold release compound' from sealed LPs, as well. It's much more powerful than Super Record Wash and should be used as the first step in your cleaning process. As always, Mobile Fidelity Super Deep Cleaner is made with an exclusive Quad-Distilled, hyper-pure water base with a mild detergent that leaves no residue and cannot damage the surface of your records. We give this product our highest recommendation!

*This product is meant to be used with a vacuum cleaning machine. 

Due to U.S Federal laws and regulations regarding shipping, Mobile Fidelity record cleaning products cannot be shipped by any method of air transit as it is declared a "hazardous material" or "dangerous goods." This item can ONLY be shipped FedEx Ground within the Continental US. This item cannot be returned for any reason.

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