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Cardas 33AWG Braided (4) Conductor Tonearm Cable - PER FOOT

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Rewire your tonearm with Cardas' famous 4 strand, braided 33 AWG Golden Ratio, Litz tonearm cable.

We suggest the following termination hints. The Cardas 33AWG cable is of litz construction so you must be sure the strands are heated enough to remove the "varnish like" coating. We also suggest a practice run on tinning... it takes a bit to get the hang of it without rolling back the insulation. We have also found the Cardas solder to sound the best and easiest to work.

  • Carefully strip the tip of insulation from the cable
  • Melt a bead of solder on your soldering pen tip
  • Clamp a single wire with a pair of "smooth" tipped tweezers at the distance you wish to solder. The tweezers act as a heatsink and grip the insulation preventing the insulation from rolling back with excess heat
  • Lower the stripped tip of cable into the heated bead of solder, tinning the tip of the cable (do not squeeze the tweezers too tight)
  • Remove the tip of the cable from the bead of heated solder and hold the cable with the tweezers until cool
  • Repeat for tinning of the remaining 3 cable strand tips
  • Using your tweezers, grip and tin the (4) cartridge clips
  • Again, grip a tinned cable strand with the tweezers in the appropriate position to prevent insulation roll during soldering. Position tinned cable tip at phono clip and heat both clip and strand at the same time with your soldering pen. No further solder is required. DO NOT OVERHEAT. Hold in position and allow to cool before releasing tweezers.
  • Repeat for each remaining phono lead
  • Slide heatshrink into position and heat

SOLD PER FOOT - enter the desired length in feet into quantity box - cut to order in one continuous braided cable strand.

Don't forget Cardas Cartridge Clips, Cardas Solder and Cartridge Clip Heatshrink Kit (4) pcs. R/G/B/W.

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